
Multiply direct marketing ROI by dramatically increasing response rates and conversions from virtually any type of advertising campaign.

William Lever, founder of Lever Soap Company in 1886, said, “Half my advertising money is wasted. The problem is that I don’t know which half!” Sadly, over 100 years later, it’s estimated that 50% of marketing budgets are still wasted on programs that don’t produce a meaningful response. Yet, marketing executives are being held increasingly accountable to deliver greater, more predictable and measurable ROI from their advertising spend, according to Forrester Research

iDG™ (Interactive Demand Generation) is a fully managed service, which was developed for a single purpose in mind — increase customer demand. Demand for your products, services and/or offers.

iDG™ multiplies marketing ROI by leveraging the power of interactive media to increase response rates and conversions — often producing immediate and dramatic results.

Exactly how does iDG™ work?

Marketing research has proven that response rates increase dramatically when prospects are reached via multiple marketing channels such as print, postal mail, email, and website landing pages versus campaigns that use just a single channel. Response rates further increase when prospects are given multiple response options such as a website to visit in addition to a phone number to call.

iDG™ maximizes marketing ROI — in 3 simple steps.

1. Multiply Responses

Responses rates to virtually any type of marketing campaign are immediately multiplied by providing prospects the option to visit an offer-specific, PURL (personalized URL) with a compelling CTA (call-to-action).

2. Increase Conversions

Our award-winning Creative Services team draws on over a decade of experience to design captivating, highly engaging and offer-specific website landing pages that drive visitors to take a specific action i.e. make a purchase or complete a request form.

3. Optimize Performance

Through the use of advanced technology, data-driven performance analysis and rigorous multivariable testing, our team optimizes the design and content of your landing pages to maximize their performance and conversions.

Results you can measure.

Multi-channel marketing is proven to deliver exceptional, measurable results for companies in a wide range of industries with:

  • More than 64% of marketers indicating improvements in overall revenue, profitability and sales.
  • More than 43% of marketers indicating reductions in cost per lead and improvements in quality of leads and conversion to sales.
  • More than 60% of marketers indicating improvements in response rates, customer acquisition, retention and satisfaction.

On average, website landing page bounce rates range from 50-70%. This means more than half of consumers abandon websites, which results in wasted marketing dollars.* AIS Media’s iDG™ team relentlessly tests to optimize your landing page performance to fully maximize landing page conversion rates and marketing ROI.

The data gained from the online channel provides extremely valuable insight to customer behavior and can be confidently applied to improve the performance of offline advertising channels.

Is iDG™ right for your company?

According to a recent AIS Media survey, 59% of consumers indicated that they would prefer to receive more information about a direct mail offer that peaked their interest by visiting a website instead of calling a phone number. Consumer affinity towards the online channel clearly continues to increase. iDG™ perfectly complements virtually any type of traditional or online advertising campaign including:

  • Search marketing (organic or PPC)
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Direct mail campaigns
  • Print & display ads
  • Television & radio ads
  • Outdoor ads and more…

If your company is spending $10,000 per month or more on traditional or interactive advertising, there’s a good chance we can dramatically increase your response rates, conversions and ultimately ROI. iDG™ typically pays for itself through the increase in marketing ROI it delivers. Contact us today for a complementary consultation and to explore if iDG™ is right for you.

*InfoTrends’ Multi-Channel Communications & Benchmarking survey